March 22th

Docker Meteor tutorial. Dockerize Meteor app in 3 minutes.

This quickstart guide tutorial provides a basic introduction to the Meteor framework running on docker. This is a great starting point if you are brand new to the Meteor framework or if you want to have your docker Meteor app.

Get Started

Let's create a Meteor project and then see how we can dockerize it using Docker.

Step 1 - Install Meteor

Symfony utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies, similar to Laravel. So, before using Symfony, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

Install Composer

  • OSX / LINUX Run the following command in your terminal to install the latest official Meteor release:
$ curl | sh
  • WINDOWS First install Chocolatey, then run this command using an Administrator command prompt:
$ choco install meteor

The installer uses Chocolatey, which has its own requirements.

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Step 2 - Create a Meteor Project

You can create a meteor skeleton project by issuing the meteor create command in your terminal:

meteor create meteor-tutorial

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Then, to install all dependencies and run the project, you need to run the following commands:

$ cd mutual-tutorial
$ meteor npm install
$ meteor

You will see your Meteor server running on: http://localhost:3000

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Congratulations, you’ve created a Meteor project!

Step 3 - Dockerize the Project

Setup Docker

Before creating a container for the Meteor application and shipping it off, you need to install Docker on your local machine. For learning purpose, you will install Docker Community Edition. Select your OS from the list below and follow the setup instructions:

Make the docker App image

The next stage is adding a Dockerfile to your project. The structure of a Dockerfile can be considered a series of instructions on how to build your container/image.

Start the Dockerfile by creating an empty file named Dockerfile in the root of your project. Then, complete each instruction according to the following example:

# Dockerfile
FROM node:6.9

ENV ROOT_URL="http://localhost:3000"

RUN curl "" | sh

COPY . /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

RUN chmod -R 700 /usr/src/app/.meteor/local
RUN meteor npm install

CMD ["npm", "start"]

Building and Running the Container

Building the container is very straight forward once you have Docker and Docker Machine on your system. The following command will look for your Dockerfile and download all the necessary layers required to get your container image running. Afterwards, it will run the instructions in the Dockerfile and leave you with a container that is ready to start.

To build your meteor docker container, you will use the docker build command and provide a tag or a name for the container, so you can reference it later when you want to run it. The final part of the command tells Docker which directory to build from.

$ docker build -t meteor-tutorial .

The final step is to run the container you have just built using Docker:

# $ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 meteor-tutorial

The command tells Docker to run the container and forward the exposed port 3000 to port 3000 on your local machine. After you run this command, you should be able to visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

You can see the Docker containers that are currently running on your system (along with their Container IDs) with:

$ docker ps -a

To turn off your Docker container, run:

$ docker stop container_id

Push to cloud

1. Create your app

In order to install your docker php example, just create a new app via cli or admin panel and set a port to 8000.

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2. Push your docker container

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3. Set up resources

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4. Logs and app status

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5. Release your app

After to click on the release button, your php docker tutorial will be deployed, Just click on the generated URL and you will get your app running.

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Now you can deploy your Meteor app without a massive build time.

Bonus 1: SSL certificate for HTTPS

It's already done for you. If you need to connect your custom domain, SSL certificate will be provided for it.

Bonus 2: Autoscaling

With autoscaling the app will be scaled up when CPU and RAM load goes up and scaled down when it goes down.

Now you can deploy your Meteor app without a massive build time.

Dockerize your Job

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