1. General terms
1.1. dockerize.io (Below will be used «developer») provides an opportunity for a capable individual who has joined this Agreement in his own interest, or who acts on behalf of and in the interests of a legal entity of the site (Below will be used "Customer") to use the services of the site https://dockerize.io/ and any subdomains thereof (Below will be used "Site") on the terms and conditions set forth in this User Agreement (Below will be used "Agreement"). The Agreement comes into force from the moment of the User's consent to its terms and conditions in the manner prescribed by paragraph 1.2 of the Agreement.
1.2. The text of the Agreement is offered to the Customer when registering on the Site. The Agreement shall come into force after the Customer agrees to its terms in the form of a confirmation of acquaintance.
1.3. Use of materials and services of the Site is regulated by the norms of the current international legislation and/or legislation of other countries (Below will be used "Current legislation")
1.4. This Agreement is a public offer. Getting access to the materials of the Site the Customer is considered to have joined the present Agreement and accepts all conditions of the present Agreement, Rules of use of a site and Requirements to advertising materials and the contents of sent messages in full without any exceptions and restrictions and undertakes to observe them in full.
1.5. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time without any special notice. Such changes come into force after 1 (one) working day from the moment of placing the new version of the Agreement on the site. In case of disagreement of the Customer with the changes made, the Customer shall be obliged to refuse access to the Site and stop using the materials and services of the Site.
2. Terminology
2.1. The Site (Site) – is the dockerize.io website and all of its subdomains available on the Internet at www.dockerize.io.
2.2. Administration of the site (Administration) – a person authorized by the Developer to manage the Site, as well as other activities related to the use of the Site.
2.3. Service — set of services provided by the Developer to the Customer using the Site.
2.4. Login – a sequence of symbols identifying each Customer among other users of the Site.
2.5. Password – a sequence of characters known only to the Customer, stored on the Site in an encrypted form, used to identify the Customer.
2.6. Api — is a functionality and/or programming interface, which allows to implement in the existing Software, website, etc., messenger functions, expand and make them convenient for use.
2.7. Instance — Account received by the user under 1 phone number.
3. Terms of use of the Site's services
3.1. The Customer is obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation when using the Service, including the provisions of the legislation governing the protection of copyright and other intellectual property rights, protection of personal rights, religious and public beliefs, national dignity, the requirements of the legislation of other countries, as well as the norms of international law, and to use the Service solely for the transfer of information to users who have given their consent to receive it. The Customer undertakes to obtain in advance from the user to whom the message is to be sent - consent in any form, such as oral, written or primary message from the user to the Customer.
3.2.The Customer undertakes not to use the Developer's Service for (as well as not to facilitate possible attempts of such use of the Developer's Services by third parties):
3.3. When registering, the customer can choose his own login to access the account. The customer is responsible for the security of his chosen password, as well as independently ensures the confidentiality of his password.
3.4. The Customer shall be solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within the framework or using the Service under the Customer's account, including cases of voluntary transfer of data by the Customer for access to the account to third parties on any terms and conditions (including contracts or agreements). In this case, all actions within the framework of or using the Service under the Customer's account are considered to be performed by the Customer himself.
3.5. The Administration reserves the right to make changes to the Service urgently and without prior notice to the Customer in cases where it is required to ensure normal provision of services (in particular, due to problems associated with the network and its security).
3.6. Responsibility for the origin, content and reliability of the information placed by the Customer using the Service, as well as for the compliance of such information with the requirements of applicable law, international law rests solely with the Customer.
3.7. If the Customer violates the terms of this Agreement and/or the requirements of the current legislation and/or international legislation, the Customer shall be fully and independently liable to the Developer and/or third parties for its actions related to the use of the Service, including if such actions will result in violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the Developer and/or third parties.
3.8. The Administration of the site has the right to block access to the Service to the Customer in case of violation by the Customer of the conditions provided by the Agreement and/or in case of violation of the current legislation and / or legislation of other countries, and / or international law.
3.9. The administration of the site reserves the right to unilaterally make changes in the tariff policy, with the subsequent publication of new tariffs on the site. Such changes come into force after 5 (five) calendar days from the moment of placing new tariffs on the Site. In case of disagreement of the Customer with the changes made, he shall be obliged to give up access to the Site, stop using materials and services of the Site.
3.10. The Administration of the Site does not bear responsibility for all consequences which have been caused by violation of the present Agreement by the Customer.
3.11. The customer has the right to refuse to use Api, but by continuing to use the Developer's website, the customer automatically agrees to the use of Api.
3.12. The developer reserves the right to change the Api policy from time to time without prior notice.
3.13. The developer is not responsible for the content of external sites.
3.14. During registration on the Site the Customer undertakes to specify email as the main way of communication with him and not to use email, which does not belong to him.
3.15. The customer agrees that he or she must evaluate all risks associated with the use of Api and the Site, as well as the use of the content, including the reliability, completeness or usefulness of the content.
3.16. The Developer shall have the right to block the Customer's access to the system without any penalties if the latter uses an email or phone number that does not belong to him, and to withhold a fine from the Customer in the amount of the balance of the Customer's Electronic Virtual Account at the moment of termination of the Services.
3.17. The Developer is not obliged to view any content of any kind used by the Customer, and the Developer has the right (but not the obligation) at its own discretion to refuse to post or remove any content used by the Customer on the Developer's Website.
3.18. The Developer is not responsible for the content of the links / forms / QR codes, which the Customer creates with the help of the Developer's site and makes their publication.
3.19. The developer has the right to block / delete any links / forms at his discretion without giving any reasons.
3.20. The Customer agrees that when using Api and/or the Service and/or the Website, the Customer shall pay for the monthly use of the Service (as per the tariff).
3.21. When using Api and/or the Service and/or the Website, the Customer expressly agrees to the "Public Agreement" and the "Requirement for the Content of Messages sent by Proposed Messengers" published on the Website.
3.22. The customer gives his explicit, specific and informed consent to the use of the Developer's website or the websites linked to it by Api.
3.23. By registering on the site and/or using the Service/Api, the Customer has the possibility (but not the obligation) to authorize the phone number (account in the messenger) in his personal cabinet, and the Customer gives his unambiguous, concrete and full consent to the Developer's full access to the authorized account in the messenger.
3.24. When using the Service/Api/Site, the Customer undertakes not to violate WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook rules by any actions.
3.25. The Developer shall have the right to block the Customer's access to the system in case of violation by the Customer of the rules of the "Public Agreement" and/or "Message Content Requirements" without applying any penalties to the Developer
4. Terms of use of personal data
4.1. By joining the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Customer agrees to the automated processing of the provided personal data for the purpose of concluding the contract, as well as its subsequent performance.
4.2. In cases directly provided for by the legislation, information on personal data may be transferred to third parties only upon prior written consent of the Parties.
5. Other terms and conditions
5.1. This Agreement, the procedure of its conclusion and execution, as well as all possible disputes arising from this Agreement or related to it, not regulated by this Agreement, shall be governed by applicable law and / or international law and / or legislation of other countries.
5.2. If for any reason one or more of the provisions of this Agreement are held invalid or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected.
5.3. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as the establishment between the Customer and the Developer of agency relations, partnership relations, joint activity relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations not expressly provided for in the Agreement.
5.4. The Customer confirms that he is familiar with all the provisions of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.
5.5. The provisions of this Agreement are binding for all previously registered Customers.
6. Cost of the Service and payment procedure
6.1 The cost of Services is shown on the Site.
6.2 The cost of Services selected by the Customer shall be fixed in the Application for connection. Application for connection can be registration on the Site.
6.3 Payment is made monthly, in the form of 100% prepayment. It is possible to pay semi-annual and annual fees upon request of the invoice for payment.
6.4 The Developer has the right to change the cost of the Service unilaterally, subject to prior notice to the Customer 5 (five) days prior to the date of change in cost.
6.5 Payment is made by non-cash payment upon request of the invoice for payment or by electronic payment.
6.6 The date of payment is considered to be the date when the money is credited to the Developer's current account.
6.7 Following the results of month the Developer can give the certificate of the executed works.
7. Communication with WhatsApp Inc. and guarantees
7.1 The Service and the dockerize.io Site are not supported or approved in any way by WhatsApp Inc (or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries). The Developer's Service, Api and the Site are informal and independent of WhatsApp Inc (or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries). The Customer understands all risks associated with the use of the Service/Site/Api.
7.2 The customer agrees that his account (and his phone number) may be blocked and/or banned by WhatsApp and/or WhatsApp Inc.
7.3 The developer is not responsible for blocking or for the Customer's bank (his account and/or phone number(s)).
7.4 The developer is not responsible for the Customer's inability to get access to the service, to Api, to accounts, etc. for reasons related to the disruption of the Internet channel, equipment or software of the Customer.
7.5 The developer is not responsible for the Customer's inability to access the service, to Api due to software changes by WhatsApp Inc.
7.6 The Customer realizes that for the work of the Service (Аpi), the phone connected to the Service should always be connected to the Internet and should not be used for Whatsapp Web.
1. General terms
These requirements are mandatory when using Api and sending any messages using the Service / Api / Website. When sending messages, it is not allowed to advertise goods (works, services) prohibited for production and sale in accordance with the law, and it is also prohibited to advertise not registered in accordance with the laws of religious organizations and religious schools. The messages shall not be used for propaganda or agitation of violent change of the constitutional order, violation of integrity, undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national, religious, class and tribal hatred, the cult of cruelty and violence, pornography, cynicism, humiliation of human honor and dignity, as well as dissemination of information constituting state secrets and other legally protected secrets. Spamming and mass mailing are prohibited
2. It is prohibited in the text of the message:
3. Licensing: Advertising of goods (works, services) subject to mandatory certification that have not passed it is prohibited.
4. Advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, signs for goods and services, other objects of intellectual property rights under which alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are produced:
Advertising of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, advertising of signs for goods and services, other objects of intellectual property rights, under which alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are produced, is prohibited. It is also prohibited to advertise in the form of various events, including drawings of prizes, lotteries aimed at stimulating demand and interest in alcoholic beverages, tobacco and tobacco products.
5. Advertising of medicines, medical equipment, methods of prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation: advertisement of medical services, methods and means of prevention, diagnostics, treatment and medical rehabilitation (hereinafter referred to as services), medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, biologically active food additives must be reliable, recognizable without special knowledge or application of special means, exclude comparisons with other services, medicines, medical devices. It is prohibited:
Advertising of medicinal products must contain complete (including appropriate restrictions for the use of the medicinal product) and accurate information, the exclusion of which may lead to inappropriate use of medicinal products or unjustified risk to the consumer.
6. Advertising of folk medicine (healing) services:
advertisement of healing, as well as advertisement of new methods of prevention, diagnostics, rehabilitation and medicines that are under consideration in the prescribed manner, but not yet allowed for use. Advertising of folk medicine (healing) services and their providers is allowed only with a special permit (license) to practice medicine (healing) issued by the relevant authority that implements the state policy in the field of health care, and must contain the number, date of issue of the said permit (license) and the name of the authority that issued it.
7. Advertising about competitions, lotteries, drawing of prizes, promotional events:
Must contain information about the date and place of such events and indicate the information source from which it is possible to obtain information about the conditions and place of these events. Information on any changes in the conditions, place and timing of competitions, lotteries, drawings of prizes, promotional events, etc. should be submitted in the order in which it was distributed. Instructional and methodical material on the organization and conduct of the lottery must contain the following information: type of lottery; lottery organization technology; procedure for formation and distribution of the prize fund of the lottery; number of drawings; cost of SMS lottery, SMS-messages; name, number and value of the prize fund property; procedure for informing the lottery participants about the basic rules of participation in the lottery, receipt of the winnings with the indication of the terms and results; procedure and terms of receiving the winnings (including the indication of the possibility of Advertising about the discount of prices for products, about sale:
Must contain information about the place, date of beginning and end of the discount of prices for products, sale, as well as the ratio of the discount to the previous price of sale of goods. Information on prices of goods, tariffs for services given in the advertisement, which is placed or distributed in the territory of the country, is indicated only in the national currency.
9. Advertising weapons:
Advertising weapons is not allowed in the service.
10. Advertising services (banking, insurance, investment, etc.):
11. Erotic advertising:
Advertising of pornographic materials and prostitution, as well as advertising containing elements of cruelty, violence, cynicism and humiliation of human honour and dignity is prohibited.
12. Advertising of the services provided by means of telecommunication:
Advertising of the services provided by means of telecommunication, including telephone, when distributing it must contain accurate information about:
13. Advertising of employment services:
It is forbidden to place information about vacancies for employment, containing the requirements of a discriminatory nature in the field of labor.
14. Advertising of construction objects:
Advertising of construction objects for the purpose of selling residential and non-residential premises, including those related to the attraction of public funds, is permitted only if there is a license (permit) to carry out construction activities and a permit to perform construction works at a particular object that is advertised. Such advertising must contain the license (permit) number, the date of its issue and the name of the body that issued the license (permit). Advertising of residential buildings during the period of suspension of the license of the project company for the organization of construction of residential buildings at the expense of local executive bodies of the regions (the city of national importance, the capital) at the expense of shareholders' money.
15. Advertising and children:
In order to protect minors from abuse of their trust and lack of experience are not allowed: